sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

É o toque que revela o encontro

Nesses últimos dias, estou me sentindo muito inspirada de manhã, e tem saído umas prosas interessantes do meu tinteiro.
Aqui vai uma

Ah Chris
What do you want?
Multiple, endless dates
Until you are sure of something inside of you?

Don't you realise that this is about
Your past fears?
That we can never be sure
Of what's ahead of us?

It does not mind
How many dates we have
Independently of how many
Questions you make me

It isn't until the moment you
Touch me
That things will start unfolding
That the present moment
Will be more important than

Any other glimpse of
That is so well hidden inside

Because touching
Someone else
Is the real truth

With desire

Each other's curves
Expressions of life
Marked in the body
Truth Unfolds

It is trough the body
That we truly perceive
Who the other person is

It is through
Someone else's movement
That we truly identify
Scars, passion
Life lived

How open this person was
To share
Him/herself with the world
How their bodies have interacted
With the present moment

It's only when you touch
That the body shows
The balance
The movement

That you are really sure
If the movement
Align with yours

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